About Us

what we help?

To inspire and contribute to society for well-being by providing the best help approach to every needy people, by participating in their education, daily life, and problems they face.

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To provide basic education to all children in the community, to promote goodness and well-being amongindividuals, families, and communities by supporting them in meeting their basic needs and strengthning their abilities with love, care and understanding.

Working Towards Welfare of the Society. The project goal is the long-term objective of the project which is different from the objectives of the propasal. Working Towards Welfare of the Society,

Providing solutions to needy families in terms of education, food etc, charity trust supported underprivileged children through its philanthropic activities. And it is following the mission to give the power of knowledge to every child so that they can fight their own battles in this competitive life.



Providing children nutrition food they are lacking on daily life.

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Event organized by Charity Trust on Schools, orphanages, old age home and others.

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Blanket, Food, Clothes and other donation Camp Organized by Charity Trust

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